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Apr 3, 2020

APS’ Chief Science Officer Dennis Brown, PhD, recently spoke to astronaut and APS member Jessica Meir, PhD, about her work on the International Space Station. As part of the interview, we asked her for lessons that #StationLife can teach us about living in isolation. Listen to her recommendations and read the...

Jan 8, 2010

From the cutting room floor, here are some of the outtakes about physiology that we thought were just too interesting not to use:
1.    Dusty Sarazan describes one way that physiological research helped advance cardiac surgery, and also how research led to the development of the modern treadmill
2.    David Linden talks...

Dec 8, 2009

Heart attacks peak during the winter months and cold weather has been thought to be the primary culprit. But cardiologist Robert Kloner of the Keck School of Medicine and Good Samaritan Hospital found that heart attack deaths peak on Christmas and New Year's in the mild climate of Los Angeles County. Could it be that...

Nov 12, 2009

What would it be like to live without being able to detect any odors? For one thing, Thanksgiving would be much less enjoyable, perhaps disturbingly so. In this episode, we talk to Robert I. Henkin of the Taste and Smell Clinic in Washington, D.C., who will tell us why people lose their sense of smell and how his...

Oct 7, 2009

Dean Franklin developed the first instruments to measure blood flow and the changes in diameter of the pulsating heart in conscious animals. He also pioneered the use of radio waves to measure heart and blood vessel function without wiring the body to the instrument. Dusty Sarazan, a former student of Dean...